It's inevitable that on Mondays I get nominations for the Weekly Behavior Awards, though we tend to hand them out on Sunday evenings.
So this time it worked out well that I fell asleep last evening before posting our nominees, 'cause sure enough when I woke up this morning and checked my email I had more nominations.
And here they are:
So this time it worked out well that I fell asleep last evening before posting our nominees, 'cause sure enough when I woke up this morning and checked my email I had more nominations.
And here they are:
- For Best Behavior, Bronchitikat, our blog friend from the UK, offered this: "I was coming home with my bicycle, struggling over the railway station footbridge, when a guy who'd come to meet someone asked if I'd like help. Would I? You bet! Thanks for asking. & the other proposal is for my husband, who has allowed (even paid for) me to attend far too many concerts at this year's Chichester Festival. Thanks!"
- For Biggest Bum, Adlib had this: "Maybe I'm too late, but I encountered a bum this morning on my drive to work...I pull out of my apartment complex with plenty of time before the next cars on that stretch of road reach me. Suddenly, one of them overtakes me, probably going 70 mph in a 45 mph zone. This guy ends up slowed down in traffic like the rest of us going through 4 or 5 lights. I see him turn on his signal near the next interstate ramp, but he does not move over and eventually turns off his signal. We head down to the next light after the overpass. He's still in front of me in the same lane, but I squeeze by in the last space in the left turn lane. At this point, he starts to move over precisely when I pull up next to him so I honk to let him know I'm there in case he didn't see me. He proceeds to honk back and gesture frantically like I took his space in line! Now when I pulled up in the turn lane, he was still fully in the driving lane and did NOT have his signal on. Yet somehow, he made it seem like I had just cut him off so he drives up to the light like a maniac when it turns green and muscles his way in at the front of the turn lane, probably almost causing a crash. People, is it really too hard to turn around at the next light if you're so stupid that you can't get over when you're supposed to? The sad thing is, drivers do this all the time here like if they miss their turn, their life comes to an end."
- And my nod for Biggest Bum goes to the woman whose family was checking into the hotel I stayed in near Orlando this weekend, as we were checking out. She was sort of getting snippy with the clerk because she and her family arrived for check-in at about noon and their room wasn't ready. Problem is the hotel, like many, posts signs on the grounds and notes on your reservation that say check-in isn't until 3 p.m. unless you request earlier check-in. And then it still isn't a guarantee. This family apparently had not requested early check-in, anyway. So after the woman's bit of 'tude didn't intimidate the desk clerk, the woman walked away in a huff saying she'd be back at 3. But first she stopped in the hotel snack shop and helped herself to a root beer, and handed one to her kid too. Mom and kid started to walk out the door with the drinks. The shocked desk clerk called out "Excuse me, did you want to buy those root beers?" The mom, exasperated, replied "Do I have to pay for them? Now?" The clerk: "Um, yes." The mom: "Why can't you bill it to my room?" The clerk: "Because you haven't checked in. You don't have a room here...yet." The mom and kid walk away. The clerk says to me "I can't believe that. The sign says snack shop, snack store. To me that means you pay for what you take, not help yourself."
That's it folks. Tell me if one of these really grabs you.
I'm thinking, hotel woman. Jerk drivers are a dime a dozen.
Anonymous, at 8:36 AM
I agree with Rick. Ignorance should be painful.
Anonymous, at 2:31 PM
I agree, Bad Drivers abound...Mother thieves, now that’s a whole new ball park...
Anonymous, at 4:04 PM
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