I took the time to read this whole article and it had such valid points as to why people chose to join the clergy...mostly social aspects really, and the way I see it, it is a great thing. If a positive can come from the negative situations that people were originally drawn to their faith then that is a bonus by any standards.
there was a quote in there that kinda made me go "bwuh??"
"Pastors are the new rock stars" ... i wouldn't agree with this at all in any way. That's such a broad statement to make since there is so much attached to being a rock star. but!!! i will say this...
a year ago i went to my cousin's funeral and the pastor was the same age as me. a guy i went to high school with. he didn't recognize me and i was fine with that but it freaked me out to no end. i dont know why... maybe i'm a traditionalist. or maybe it was the fact that i was there to bury my cousin. all i know was i personally felt like this kid was up there talkin wisdom that he didn't have yet.
it was a surreal experience.
now before big daddy tells me i'm a horrible person for saying that... i don't mean it's wrong... i just mean that if felt weird to me.
My husband and I are 31 and 33 respectively and we are both ordained ministers. He became a minister at 16 and has been a full-time youth pastor for 5 years now. I have assisted him in youth ministry the whole 12+ years of our marriage.
Our motivation is more social than religious as well. We both feel that mentoring is the key to helping young people succeed. In fact, we both are at a place where, when we relocate to Dallas this summer, we don't even care so much to be involved in church as to be involved in the community. There's too much work to be done to be trapped within the four walls, and we're both disillusioned with church "as usual." What worked for grandma doesn't work for our generation.
So we all know how to act. Be nice & don’t do crime, kick puppies, or start forest fires. But those are easy. The tough rules these days seem to be manners and etiquette governed only by common sense. I didn’t invent the good sense standard, but I am laying claim to it. I’m not Emily Post. I don’t care which fork you use. But I will call out boorish behavior and give kudos for civility. Join me as I comment on how we act. And together we’ll teach folks how to act right again.
I took the time to read this whole article and it had such valid points as to why people chose to join the clergy...mostly social aspects really, and the way I see it, it is a great thing. If a positive can come from the negative situations that people were originally drawn to their faith then that is a bonus by any standards.
Cazzie!!!, at 10:15 AM
great story James. One of my old classmates from high school went on to become a priest. He was always a good guy.
Claudia , at 11:25 AM
James, a couple of months ago, my friend 123Valerie and I stayed in an actual castle in Virginia (it was built in, like, 1280)....
Anyway, the woman who lived there (along w/ her Goldman SAchs husband) had a son who lived upstairs in a separate apartment.
He was slightly crazy and was a young minister.
The saddest thing in the world is a pastor w/o a flock. Made me cry.
M@, at 11:33 PM
there was a quote in there that kinda made me go "bwuh??"
"Pastors are the new rock stars" ... i wouldn't agree with this at all in any way. That's such a broad statement to make since there is so much attached to being a rock star. but!!! i will say this...
a year ago i went to my cousin's funeral and the pastor was the same age as me. a guy i went to high school with. he didn't recognize me and i was fine with that but it freaked me out to no end. i dont know why... maybe i'm a traditionalist. or maybe it was the fact that i was there to bury my cousin. all i know was i personally felt like this kid was up there talkin wisdom that he didn't have yet.
it was a surreal experience.
now before big daddy tells me i'm a horrible person for saying that... i don't mean it's wrong... i just mean that if felt weird to me.
Knitty Yas, at 1:50 PM
I've always believed that the news media should try to insert more positive stories in the daily news. I don't mean just the fluff either.
kudos to your paper!
dennis, at 10:29 PM
Great article!
My husband and I are 31 and 33 respectively and we are both ordained ministers. He became a minister at 16 and has been a full-time youth pastor for 5 years now. I have assisted him in youth ministry the whole 12+ years of our marriage.
Our motivation is more social than religious as well. We both feel that mentoring is the key to helping young people succeed. In fact, we both are at a place where, when we relocate to Dallas this summer, we don't even care so much to be involved in church as to be involved in the community. There's too much work to be done to be trapped within the four walls, and we're both disillusioned with church "as usual." What worked for grandma doesn't work for our generation.
Thanks for this one!
katrice, at 4:49 PM
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